Get started with Arrows

Ready to get started with Arrows? We've compiled our best resources below to make sure your team is set up for success from the beginning.

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Arrows + HubSpot Essentials

Integrating Arrows and HubSpot helps your team streamline workflows and boost efficiency. Check out these resources for key steps to effectively connect Arrows and HubSpot, ensuring a smooth start. If you're looking for more information beyond the basics, you can also view our knowledge base.

HubSpot + Arrows Quickstart Guide

We'll cover the basic steps to start building your Arrows templates, using Arrows inside HubSpot, and sending your first plan.

Sync Arrows data to HubSpot properties

You'll use Arrows properties in HubSpot to enrich your pipelines, give your internal teams visibility into onboarding progress, and power your HubSpot workflows and custom reports.

View the Arrows card inside HubSpot

Enable the Arrows card on HubSpot deals or tickets so you can create and edit your onboarding plans and quickly see the progress your customers are making - all without leaving HubSpot.

Create a HubSpot pipeline for onboarding

Pipelines in HubSpot are a great way to track and visualize customers making progress during onboarding. Find the simple steps to create a basic onboarding pipeline in HubSpot here.

The Vault 🔐

After setting up the basics, steal our best workflows, reports, and task templates to maximize your use of Arrows and HubSpot. Feel free to copy them directly or let them inspire your custom setup. When you're ready to explore more, check out all our templates on The Vault.