Automatically populate HubSpot Quote links in your Arrows tasks

Steal this HubSpot workflow and Arrows task setup to automatically populate HubSpot Quote URLs inside your Arrows tasks

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Automatically populate HubSpot Quote links in your Arrows tasks
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A common question we get asked is about the optimal timing for initiating their Arrows onboarding plans. Should they begin during the sales process or at the onset of the onboarding phase?

Our recommendation is to start in the later stages of the sales process whenever feasible. Why? Because this approach significantly streamlines the transition from sales to onboarding. It ensures a smoother handoff and maintains the momentum that has been built up, setting the stage for success as soon as the deal is closed won.

For many teams, that means the first task in their Arrows plan will be signing a contract. If you're using HubSpot Quotes for your e-signatures, here's an easy way to automatically sync your HubSpot Quote URLs into Arrows tasks. No more manual copy-and-paste between tools.

Here’s how it works:


Create a new deal property to store your HubSpot Quote URL


1. Create a Quote-based Workflow that's triggered when the Link to hosted Quote is known

2. Copy the Link to hosted Quote property value from the Quote to the new deal property you just created in your pre-work


1. Create a new Arrows task using the e-signature task action

2. Select HubSpot Quote for your e-signature service

3. Copy the Arrows dynamic attribute for your HubSpot Quote URL property you created in your pre-work

To find this in your Arrows account, go to a plan or template, click on Settings, and then click on Attributes

4. Paste the dynamic attribute into the E-signature document link field on your Arrows task

You're all set!

Now, when the HubSpot Quote URL property is updated in HubSpot, it will automatically populate in your Arrows task. No more manual work for your team to get their quotes in front of customers!

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