
How To Build A HubSpot Dashboard for Customer Onboarding

How long does it take to build a dashboard for customer onboarding in HubSpot? We decided to find out.

Stuart Balcombe

April 9, 2024

3 minutes

Most onboarding teams don’t have easy access to the reporting data they need.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Build this HubSpot dashboard with me so you never have to go searching for data again.

I decided to find out just how long it really takes to build a dashboard with 5 reports for customer onboarding from scratch. Here’s the complete 16-minute implementation:

This is what we'll build HubSpot custom reports for👇

1. Breakdown of onboarding plans by start month and status

Get a clear view of how long it takes your customers to get onboarded and quickly identify any accounts falling behind the baseline.

HubSpot Report for Onboarding Tickets by Status & Start Month

Here's how it works:

  1. Create a custom Tickets report and filter to our pipeline(s) where customer onboarding is being managed.
  2. Select our visualization type
    Use the “Vertical Bar” chart type to show bars representing our onboarding tickets.
  1. Select the property values to display:
    X-axis: Create Date - Monthly
    Y-axis: Count of Tickets
    Break down by: "Arrows Plan Status"

2. Onboarding plans by health + process stage

Use a dynamic onboarding health score updated using an automated workflow and Arrows data to group customers by progress against their plan.

HubSpot Report for Onboarding by Health and Stage

Here's how it works:

  1. Create a custom Tickets report and filter to our pipeline(s) where customer onboarding is being managed AND Arrows Plan URL is known.
  2. Select our visualization type
    Use the “Vertical Bar” chart type to show bars representing our onboarding tickets.
  1. Select the property values to display:
    X-axis: Onboarding Health
    Y-axis: Count of Tickets
    Break down by: "Ticket Status"

3. Onboarding by status and rep

Quickly see the distribution of a reps accounts across the onboarding journey and forecast capacity.

HubSpot Report for Onboarding  by Status & Rep

Here's how it works:

  1. Create a custom Tickets report and filter to our pipeline(s) where customer onboarding is being managed.
  2. Select our visualization type
    Use the “Vertical Bar” chart type to show bars representing our onboarding tickets.
  1. Select the property values to display:
    X-axis: Ticket Status
    Y-axis: Count of Tickets
    Break down by: "Ticket Owner"

4. Customers with overdue tasks

Easily identify customers who have tasks behind schedule, who is responsible for it, and what they need to do.

HubSpot Report for Customers with Overdue Onboarding Tasks

Here's how it works:

  1. Create a custom Tickets report and filter to our pipeline(s) where customer onboarding is being managed AND Arrows Overdue Tasks is greater than or equal to 1.
  2. Select our visualization type
    Use the “Table” chart type to display the tickets that match our filter criteria.
  1. Select the property values to display in Columns:
    - Ticket Name
    - Arrows current task name
    - Arrows current task assignee
    - Arrows current task due date

5. Missing onboarding data report

Automatically surface records in HubSpot that are missing critical property values required for a successful onboarding experience.

HubSpot Report for Onboarding Tickets by Status & Start Month

Here's how it works:

  1. Create a custom Tickets report and filter to our pipeline(s) where customer onboarding is being managed AND Arrows Plan URL is unknown.
  2. Select our visualization type
    Use the “Table” chart type to show bars representing our onboarding tickets.
  1. Select the property values to display in Columns:
    - Ticket Name

As you’re looking at these reports, you might be wondering why the data I’m using isn’t available in your HubSpot account.

Many of the properties in these onboarding reports are being updated in HubSpot in real-time as customers make progress (or don’t) in their Arrows collaborative onboarding plan attached to each ticket in our HubSpot onboarding pipeline.

Discover how Arrows onboarding plans can help drive customer engagement AND give your team all the data they need for reporting in HubSpot by creating a free Arrows account or booking a demo with the Arrows team.

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