Build a customer health score in HubSpot

Steal these 5 steps (and calculated properties) to build a health score that's customized for your business in HubSpot

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Build a customer health score in HubSpot
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Just remember: keep it simple.

The accuracy of your health score is only as good as the data you use to calculate it. So create your score criteria by working backward from what a "healthy" customer looks like in your own data.

1. Identify what healthy looks like for YOUR customers

Take a sample of your most successful and profitable customers and look for patterns and commonalities in their path to success. Use those attributes as the inputs to your health score.

2. Capture the input data you in company properties Note some data may need to be copied from deals, tickets, or contacts if that's where it originated.

Here are a few examples of data points you could include:

  • Product Consumption Percentage
  • Key Features Adopted
  • Active Users
  • Volume of Support Tickets
  • Number of Support Escalations
  • CSM Pulse Score
  • Call Attendance
  • Outcome Achievement
  • CSAT
  • NPS
  • Public Case Study
  • G2 Reviews

3. Create our health score with HubSpot calculated properties

First, calculate properties for each of the score categories that will be combined into our overall health score. Here are a few category ideas:

Product Usage Score: A weighted score created from critical product usage data.

  • Account Consumption: How much of what a customer has bought are they using. # of seats, # of projects, # of transactions
  • Feature adoption

Support Score: Start with a perfect score of 10 and subtract points for:

  • Account escalations
  • High ticket volumes

Sentiment Score: Combine customer and CSM inputs collected from:

  • Satisfaction surveys
  • Customer conversations
  • CSM interactions (eg. Missed QBRs)

Advocacy Score: Assign value to how much a customer helps grow the business by sharing their experience:

  • Customer Stories
  • G2 Reviews

Next, calculate the overall score and give each score category an appropriate weight by aggregating our categories in a final calculated property.

4. Create an automated workflow to:

5. Create an executive-ready dashboard that shows:
  • Account overviews with health scores, health trends and score breakdowns
  • Overall breakdown of accounts by health status
  • A breakdown of account health by CSM

It’s easy to overthink a health score or spend more time optimizing “the algorithm”……at the end of the day what matters is you have a better idea of the customers who need more attention to be successful, so don’t create your health score without looking at what your successful customers are already doing.

Start simple, and iterate.

Steal this cheat sheet for running customer success in HubSpot

Not sure where to start? Download the 7 playbooks you need to scale across the customer journey.

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