Allow customers to pay to get started with onboarding

Steal this Arrows task example to get customers to pay for your tool as the first step in your onboarding process

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Allow customers to pay to get started with onboarding
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Arrows Tasks
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Similar to signing a quote or agreement, we often recommend adding the final customer-facing steps of your sales process to your Arrows onboarding plans to start customers on the right path and facilitate a smooth sales-to-onboarding handoff.

Here's an example of a task where we're using linking to a Stripe payment page where customers can pay to officially get started with our tool.

Steal this Arrows task setup:

Task type: Button

Task title: Pay for [YOUR TOOL NAME]

Task description:

Click the link below to pay for Arrows and get started!

🌟 Bonus tip: Automatically complete an Arrows task when a customer pays theis invoice

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