Prompt your customers to sign an agreement to kick off the onboarding process

Steal this Arrows task example to give your customers an easy way to sign their agreement or contract at the beginning of the onboarding process

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Prompt your customers to sign an agreement to kick off the onboarding process
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You've gotten the verbal agreement from your customer that they're ready to move forward. Now all you need is their final sign-off on the agreement in order to kick off their onboarding process.

We often recommend adding those final steps of the sales process, like signing a contract, to your Arrows plans for a few reasons:

  1. Showing your customers how they'll be supported during onboarding is a huge value-add to the sales process. It shows them that there's a clear path to their success with your product or service, and also sets expectations about what the process entails from their end.
  2. As soon as they sign the agreement, they'll already have their next steps in front of them in their Arrows plan, which means they're more likely to complete early onboarding tasks like scheduling their kickoff call, sending over account access, etc.
  3. Your customer is excited about what your product or service can do for them at the end of the sales process - keep the momentum you've built going by enabling them to continue to make progress toward their goals.

Here's an example of a task where we're using PandaDoc for the agreement, but you can use any document, quote, or e-sign tool like DocuSign, HubSpot Quotes, HelloSign, etc.

Steal this Arrows task setup:

Task type: Button

Task title: Sign the agreement

Task description:

We're so excited to continue working with you! Before we get started, we'll need you to review and sign the agreement.

Click the link below to access the agreement in [YOUR DOCUMENT/E-SIGN PROVIDER], and add a comment here if you have any questions!

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