Set up Slack alerts to notify teams about customer progress

Steal this this HubSpot workflow to automatically send Slack notifications to your teams when customers make progress during onboarding.

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Set up Slack alerts to notify teams about customer progress
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HungryHungry has set up a unique and effective method of managing the communication between customer-facing team members using Slack and HubSpot.

First, they organize their customer-facing team members into pods. Each pod has a sales rep, an onboarding manager, and a customer success manager. Each pod also has a dedicated Slack channel where they can collaborate and communicate with each other about what’s happening with their customers.

In order to enrich these pod-specific Slack channels, they’ve set up a system for automated alerts for specific events in their customer’s journey.

They’re currently tracking over a dozen events in these Slack alerts. We’ll show you examples of a few + how you can get them set up for yourself below.

Before we get into how to set it up, it’s important to note that Slack can easily get out of hand with too many notifications that start to feel irrelevant over time. To combat this, HungryHungry has set up a specific legend for their Slack alerts using emojis:

  • If a Slack notification uses the 👀 emoji, it’s just an alert that doesn’t need any action
  • If a notification uses the 🟠 emoji, it means the team needs to take action soon
  • And if a notification uses the 🔴 emoji, it means they need to take action immediately

Here’s how it works:

In the below examples we’ll show you how to use Arrows onboarding plan data to trigger alerts in Slack. You can configure similar notifications for other parts of your customer journey like Stripe payment completed, HubSpot quote signed, etc.

1. Trigger the ticket-based workflow when a ticket is in your onboarding pipeline and their Arrows plan status is Active

⭐️ Make sure re-enrollment is turned on!

2. Set up an if/then branch to check the progress in their Arrows onboarding plans

In this example, we’re triggering notifications when a customer is stuck on an onboarding task or when there has been no activity or engagement with their plan yet in two branches:

Branch 1 - Stuck on an onboarding task:
  • Arrows days on task is greater than or equal to 4
  • AND Arrows overdue tasks is greater than or equal to 1
Branch 2 - No onboarding activity or engagement:
  • Arrows task completion percentage is less than or equal to 5 or is empty
  • AND Arrows days since plan started is greater than or equal to 3
  • AND Arrows participant last viewed is unknown

3. For each branch, create an action to send a Slack notification to your team channel

Make sure you customize each Slack notification so your team knows exactly what action they need to take.

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