Understand CSMs capacity for onboarding customers

Steal this HubSpot reporting setup to quickly understand who has capacity (and who doesn’t) to support customers during onboarding.

Use this template in Arrows

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Understand CSMs capacity for onboarding customers
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Understanding your team's capacity can help improve planning and forecasting for future needs and can provide an additional data point to consider if customers are falling behind their target dates.

Here’s how it works:

Phase 1: Add 2 new properties to our onboarding tickets to track available onboarding team capacity

1. Estimated Onboarding Project Time - Number:

The number of hours (or other unit of time) allocated for each CSM to onboard a customer of a given type. (We’ll automate this in phase 2)

2. Estimated Remaining Onboarding Project Time - Calculation:
  • First get the % of this customers onboarding tasks remaining: 100 (a constant) minus Arrows plan completion percentage
  • Divide this number by 100 to get a decimal
  • Multiply by the "Estimated Onboarding Project Time"

Phase 2️: Create a workflow to automatically set the estimated time assigned to each new customer in onboarding

1. Trigger the workflow when the synced property “Arrows template name” is known

This property will be set on each HubSpot ticket once an Arrows collaborative plan is attached

2. Branch the workflow by matching the value of the “Arrows template name” property.

In our example we have 3 different templates defined:

  • Small company onboarding
  • Large company onboarding
  • Enterprise onboarding
3. For each template branch set the “Estimated Onboarding Project Time” to a pre-determined time for each template being used with that customer.

4. IF none of the template names match, then assigned an “Estimated Onboarding Project Time” to the ticket & send an internal email to check the assigned time is accurate

*the workflow may also need to be updated to include the new template.

Phase 3: Build reports to understand team capacity

Onboarding Team Capacity - Table View

1. Create a Ticket based report with these filters
  • Estimated Onboarding Project Time is known
  • Arrows plan status is Active
  • Pipeline" is Onboarding Pipeline

2. Select the the table visualization type and add these fields as columns
  • Team Member
  • Assigned Tickets (renamed in the report to Assigned Onboardings)
  • Estimated Onboarding Time (renamed in the report to Total Assigned Time (Estimated Hours) and using the Sum aggregate)
  • Estimated Onboarding Project Time (renamed in the report to Total Time Remaining (Estimated Hours) and using the Sum aggregate)
  • Ticket status

Onboarding Team Capacity - Chart View

1. Create a Ticket based report with these filters
  • Estimated Onboarding Project Time is known
  • Arrows plan status is Active
  • Pipeline" is Onboarding Pipeline

2. Select the the table visualization type and add these fields


  • Team Member


  • Total Assigned Time (Estimated Hours) and use the Sum aggregate
  • Total Time Remaining (Estimated Hours) and use the Sum aggregate

Steal this cheat sheet for running customer success in HubSpot

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